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Ayesha Nazir's Capstone

Chinese Internment Camps Documentary

Home: Welcome

About Me

My name is Ayesha Nazir and I am a senior at Sport and Medical Sciences Academy. I have been attending this school since 9th grade and will be the first of my family to go to college. Since I was a child, I have been raised to be a good Muslim and member of society. Because of the way I was raised, I have always stood up for myself. I have always had a passion for helping others and want to use this passion throughout my life. One thing that has always been important to me is the treatment of people around the world. I feel that no one should be judged based on their religion, race, or gender.

Mission Statement

I want to take hold of every opportunity that comes my way as I attempt to fulfill my mission of giving back to others. I want to help the same community that has helped me get to where I am. I want to give back to others by helping them maintain their health no matter their economic and social status. I value the idea of everyone getting equal access to healthcare no matter the circumstances because finances shouldn’t be a factor whether or not to maintain life. I will be attending the University of Saint Joseph and pursuing a career as a physician assistant to help others maintain their health in every way possible.

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